the method of intense densification

英 美
  • 强夯法
  • densification n.密实化;致密化;压实;增浓
  • intense adj.强大的;紧张的;强烈的;激烈的;深刻的
  • method n.方法;条理n.类函数;类成员函数(计算机)
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • the art.那;这;这些;那些adv.(用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越...越...
    1. When dynamic compaction method is used to improve the soft soil foundation, environmental vibration will appear due to radiating of compaction energy.
    2. Dynamic compaction method is an easy and rapid construction method that has been widely used in China and around the world because it does not cause any environmental pollution.